Industrial Gearbox
Industrial Gearbox
24-hr emergency gearbox breakdowns service.
Power Transmission Services technicians are skilled gearbox repair experts you need.
Power Transmission Services technicians are skilled gearbox repair experts you need.
Industrial Gearbox Repair
Power Transmission Services technicians are skilled and certified gearbox repair experts.
Our Gearbox Repair Service Process
Step 1.
Cleaned. Inspected.
Once a unit is received and cleaned, PTS will perform our 25-step inspection process that includes evaluating the housing, gearing (both visual and Magnetic Particle Inspection “MPI”), and shafting for possible reuse. We will also observe and document any irregular wear on replacement items such as bearings, seals, and miscellaneous hardware (retaining rings, fasteners). PTS will provide a firm price proposal and an inspection report tailored to the customer’s request.
Our Gearbox Repair Service Process
Step 2.
Authorization. Procurement or Manufacture.
Once PTS receives authorization to proceed, replacement items will be either procured, or manufactured. Any services such as housing machining or seal journal repair will be scheduled.
Our Gearbox Repair Service Process
Step 3.
PTS will use new bearings, seals, shim-gasket kits, and new or certified gear and shafting service parts to assemble the unit. During the assembly process, fastener tightening torques, bearing clearances, and contact pattern checks will be performed.
Our Gearbox Repair Service Process
Step 4.
After final assembly, the gear unit will be tested for a minimum 4-hour no-load (bi)directional spin test. Upon a successful test, the unit will be painted, photographed, and prepared for shipment. New service manuals will be provided either electronically or in print.