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The Main Causes of Industrial Gearbox Breakdowns

The main causes of industrial gearbox breakdowns are improper maintenance, lack of lubrication, and poor alignment.

Industrial gearboxes need to be maintained correctly in order to function properly. Maintenance procedures such as regular lubrication and alignment help keep industrial gearboxes running smoothly and prevent costly breakdowns.

The main causes of industrial gearbox breakdowns are improper maintenance, lack of lubrication, and poor alignment.

Industrial gearboxes need to be maintained correctly in order to function properly. Maintenance procedures such as regular lubrication and alignment help keep industrial gearboxes running smoothly and prevent costly breakdowns.

Improper Industrial Gearbox Maintenance

A common form of improper industrial gearbox maintenance is failing to clean the gearbox properly. Dust and debris can build up inside the gearbox, causing the gears to bind and preventing the industrial gearbox from operating properly. Failing to clean the gearbox on a regular basis can eventually lead to a mechanical breakdown.

Improper industrial gearbox maintenance can also include failing to inspect the industrial gearbox on a regular basis by a professional to calibrate alignment. Regular inspections can help identify problems early on before they cause serious damage. By failing to inspect the industrial gearbox, you run the risk of missing a problem until it is too late.

Perhaps the most common form of improper industrial gearbox maintenance is failure to properly lubricate the gears. Gears must be regularly lubricated to avoid wear and tear. Without proper lubrication, the gears will eventually grind down, causing the industrial gearbox to fail.

Lack of Gearbox Lubrication

Lubrication helps keep industrial gearboxes cool and prevents them from overheating. A lack of lubrication will cause an industrial gearbox to overheat and break down.

We outlined how poor maintenance is one example of how this occurs. Still, there are other factors that can contribute to a lack of lubrication in industrial gearboxes. If the gearbox is not properly lubricated on a regular basis, the gears can start to wear down.

Another factor that can contribute to a lack of lubrication in industrial gearboxes is contamination. If the gearbox is exposed to contaminants such as dust or water, it can cause the gears to bind and eventually fail.

Finally, a lack of lubrication in industrial gearboxes can also be caused by a failure of the seals or gaskets. If the seals or gaskets are not functioning properly, it can allow contaminants to enter the gearbox, once again resulting in a catastrophic gearbox breakdown.


Industrial Gearbox Alignment Issues

Poor alignment is another common cause of industrial gearbox failure. When industrial gearboxes are not properly aligned, they can experience excessive wear and tear. This can lead to premature failure.

There are a few different things that can cause industrial gearboxes to become misaligned. Poor installation practices, inadequate maintenance, and unexpected events like power surges can all lead to alignment issues.

If industrial gearboxes are not installed properly, they can be subject to several problems that can cause them to become misaligned. One of the most common installation issues is failing to level the gearbox properly. If the gearbox is not level, the gears will not mesh correctly and can cause problems down the line. Additionally, if the foundation or mountings are not level, this can lead to alignment issues.

Unexpected events like power surges can also cause industrial gearboxes to become misaligned.  A power surge can cause the gears to bind or seize leading to misalignment. Additionally, if the power surge is strong enough, it can damage the gearbox itself and cause alignment issues.

Proper industrial gearbox maintenance is essential to preventing costly breakdowns. Maintenance procedures such as regular lubrication and alignment help keep industrial gearboxes running smoothly and prevent industrial gearbox failures.

Power Transmission Services Can Help

Power Transmission Services can help your facility avoid the worst with a maintenance service plan. If you’re facing a worst-case situation, we are ready 24/7 to repair or rebuild your gearbox.

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